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Week 3

I read “Husband Stich” by Carmen Maria Machado. It was a story within a story and to me it was like a romance/porn book. It tells the reader when and how the narrator meets her husband and on their sexual journey before marriage and during marriage. The narrator has a green ribbon around her neck and her husband is always trying to untie and see what is underneath. She keeps telling him until the end when she finally lets him untie the ribbon and her head falls off.

A man always wants to know everything about their woman. A woman can never keep secret from her husband, but a husband can keep secret from their wife. As I am reading the story the narrator tells me about the old wives’ tale that has been passed down through generations about marriage, sex, labor, raising a child and feeling desire for another human being.

The men in my family has to know everything about the women in my family and I do not understand that. What we do and talk about with our friends and other people is none of their business. I do not tell them what I talk about because it is none of their business and that is including the other females in my family. But my mom, grandma and sister tell everything to their male partners about everything and that is why I have to watch what I say to them because they will tell them what I say.

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