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Salt Slow

The two characters, a man and a woman, are sailing on a boat looking for food. The sea has rising to the cities and now it seems that everything is under water or almost under water. The lobsters are found with their bodies upside down, dead in the white water. They don’t know how long they have been out to sea, don’t remember the days, and don’t know why the animals and the humans are dying. The woman is pregnant.

The rain started when she was bleeding the first time when she was pregnant and had not stop since.  This story reminds me of Noah’s Ark a little bit. The rain has flooded the world, two characters on the boat trying to survive and finding animals changing and growing bigger. She got pregnant again and when she gave birth the child had animal features that did not resemble the man. The baby had like octopus arms, and his skin was moving around like air.

They stayed away from other humans and that is like what we did doing the beginning of Covid. We stayed away from others, and we did not know what caused Covid. We were and still are trying to survive in the new norm because of Covid. After being in a relationship during Covid we realize things about our partner we did not realize before Covid. Being in close quarters with our partners, we lost sense of the time and days, and we realize who we are as a person.


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