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Week 2

There were two stories to read for class, “The Room in the Attic” and “Dangerous Laughter.”

The Room in the Attic
In “The Room in the Attic,” it starts the story by introducing Wolf, who isn’t even the main protagonist. However, we learn that Wolf befriends a boy named David, and the story follows him and his interactions between himself and Wolf’s sister, isabel. The audience learns that Isabel must live in darkness, as she lives in the attic in complete darkness. David starts to go to the attic to interact with Isabel, which causes him to create these illusions of what isabel might look like. David becomes almost obsessed with what Isabel might look like, even going as far as turning a flashlight on to look at her. However, I think the big reason why David didn’t want to see Isabel when he had the chance was because he didn’t want to destroy the curiosity that she held. It’s the same idea as to where ‘a magician doesn’t reveal his secrets’ the magic trick would lose the feeling of being magical.

Dangerous Laughter
In “Dangerous Laughter,” the story follows the idea of these laughing clubs. Children would congregate into these laughing parlors and laugh away. The story gives an oddly eerie vibe about the constant laughing like it was slowly creating a cult. Then the audience is introduced to a girl named Clara. She’s almost like an odd egg to the school. Clara is described as a very stiff character, who seems to make all of her actions exact, as well as maintaining a stiff outer presence. Her socks are straight, not a hair out of place, and her shirts tucked in. Clara is shown to have an amazing ability to these other children that she is able to laugh loudly, and for long moments of time. Clara gains popularity by her weird ability to laugh. In the end of the story, she ends up dying from spending too much time laughing. The things children due to be a part of the group.

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