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“In the Regin of Harad IV” we meet a miniature maker for the King Harad IV. The point of view is in third person, and we are witnessing the story through the miniature maker view. The setting is in the maker’s room in the palace where work on his miniatures. He is getting bored with making miniatures to the visible eye and keeps working on making miniatures that are invisible and that have to use a large lens to see them.

He keeps getting loss in his miniature world and soon nobody visits him, and the king does not summon him anymore. I kept picturing that one day he will make himself in the miniature city and when he dies his soul will go into that doll and he will live forever in his miniature world that no one can see.

This story is saying that we are never satisfied with what we are doing and want more. This true. We want more than what we have and do better than we did before and that can cost us our lives.  We are never satisfied. And I believe we will never be satisfied even when we do die because we want to do everything even when dead.

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