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Category Archive for 'Myths'

“Stop Your Women’s Ears with Wax” is a story about Mona and the crew of women who work for a rock girl group. Throughout the story, we hear about the strange happenings when the band is around. At first, we see this when the teenage girls leave the concerts and go out and perform acts of violence, such […]

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Power of Music

In Julia Armfield’s “Stop Your Women’s Ears with Wax,” we are introduced to the effects of mob mentality; how easily molded the minds of young adults truly are. The story begins from the perspective of Mona, a woman hired to film on tour for a band whose fans, only girls, are outright fanatical. Through the use of subtly […]

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Week 4: “Granite”

In the short story “Granite” by Julia Armfield, a woman who is almost in her thirties finally finds love. She lives alone in the building with a landlady who lives downstairs of her apartment. In the end, the man turns to granite and falls apart in her hands. This story reminds me of Medusa and […]

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Suspension and Sirens

Julia Armfield is a master at threading subtle tension all throughout her story “Stop Your Women’s Ears with Wax.” I think that this tension starts with the ingenious title — not only because it alludes to the sirens, but by how it turns the music in the story into a monstrous call for (and by) […]

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‘The Husband Stitch”

“The Husband Stitch” by Carmen Maria Machado was absolutely compelling and did not allow me to stop reading it. The use of the short stories and the instructions to the reader were masterfully done in a way in which the flow of the story is uninterrupted and gives the reader an additional context to the protagonist’s […]

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